Fifty Years of Chicken Pot Pie, Crafts, Baked Goods and Flea Markets - Fundraising for Special Initiatives within the Church

The Bazaar is an annual event held the first Friday of October, at St. Paul's UCC. It is an All-Church event and requires literally the entire effort of al members of the church from Set-Up to Final Clean-up. This is St. Paul's single largest fundraiser and is well known throughout the immediate area for the "homemade Chicken Pot Pie." Preparation for the event beging well in advance of the Bazaar with "Chicken-picking" and "dough prep" in the kitchen, sorting, pricing and staging flea market items, craft making, and baked goods cooking, etc. In addition, there are a variety of crafts and gifts, baked goods, flea market treasures (including dishes and glasses, small appliances, holiday specific keepsake items, pictures and frames and used furniture. The Bazaar takes up virtually the entire space of the church, with the exception of the sanctuary, for a day, then is completely torn down and cleaned up. All remaining flea market items are donated to Operation Wildcat for further sale and use to that charitable activity.



County Gifts and Crafts
Country Cupboard
Flea Market
Garden Shop