Get to know St. Paul's Staff

Rev. John Ward-Diorio

Pastor and Teacher

Rev. Allyssa Boyer

Associate Pastor

Eric R. Dundore

Minister of Music

Mark A. Dundore

Assistant Minister of Music

Patrice G. Miller

Assistant Organist

Renee E. Durbin

Administrative Assistant

Sarah A. Myers


Dayne S. Miller



Get to know the Governing Body of St. Paul's

Pictured (left to right): Mark Dundore, Daniella Benfer, Don Dupes, Crystal Cline, Becky Thompson, Jeff Leister, Charles Ricedorf-Reed, Rebecca Drazba, Mel Shaver-Durham, Sue Miller, Nancy Richey, Fenton Fox, Steve Stough. 

Consistory is the governing body of St. Paul’s UCC. This group meets once per month. It consists of six deacons, six elders, and the pastor.  Deacons and elders are elected by the congregation and serve a two-year term.  To be a deacon, you need to have been a member of St. Paul’s for one year. To serve as an elder, you must have served as a deacon (although not necessarily at St. Paul’s).


Duties of Consistory members include, but are not limited to: serving communion, serving as head usher for one month per year, being a liaison between Consistory and the various councils, setting policy  for the church, and representing the congregation between its annual meetings.